About me

Hi guys, I'm Iz'Jay (pronounced eyes-jay). Many people would look at my name and pronounce it with a short I but its a long I. You can say that I'm a book addict. I mean I only read everyday at every chance I get. I  have actually never thought of starting a blog. My teacher suggested it, and  I am so glad she did, because now I get to talk about books that I love and share them with other people.

I am not picky when it comes to books. If you put it in front of me I will read it. My favorite genre is mystery. I love the suspense and trying to figure out whodunit, and when the criminal is revealed that shock you feel is the icing on the cake. This blog will not be solely focused on just mysteries. I  will be blogging about Romances, YA Novels, Fantasies, Science Fictions, Dystopias, and Realistic Fiction. Those are basically what I read, but who knows maybe one day I'll come across a different genre and start writing about it.

 I hope you enjoy my blog, because I am so excited about it. Leave comments letting me know if I helped you explore different genres or if you have read one of the books I blog about. Also if you have any books that you would like me to read please let me know.

Note:  I am bound to make mistakes so just let me know if you see any. Thanks.